Drew Sanocki is back again on the show, and this week we dive into one of the most vital, but often overlooked aspects of entrepreneurship -supportive spouses. Regardless of your financial situation, having a supportive life partner is detrimental to the success of your business, and the health of your relationship. This week, we discuss several ways to earn and keep your significant others support and trust.

On this episode, Drew and I explore how having our wives on board and supportive of our eCommerce journey, impacted our success. We also discuss how we continue to work the support of our significant others. You don’t want to miss this episode’s valuable insights that could help you avoid irreparable harm to your relationship.

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Here’s What You’ll Learn

  • Why it is the best time to start your business when you are single.
  • The common reasons spouses are not supportive.
  • How to determine if now is the right time to start a business.
  • The biggest ways our spouses have helped in our entrepreneurial journey.
  • Why as a potential, or current, entrepreneur you need to evaluate how you view money.

What Was Mentioned

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Andrew Youderian
Post by Andrew Youderian
Andrew is the founder of eCommerceFuel and has been building eCommerce businesses ever since gleefully leaving the corporate world in 2008.  Join him and 1,000+ vetted 7- and 8-figure store owners inside the eCommerceFuel Community.

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